
Do not date anyone who is not available!

What You Should Have Learned in This Chapter
  ● He’s married.
  ● Unless he’s all yours, he’s still hers.
  ● There are cool, loving single men in the world. Find one of them to go out with.
  ● If a guy is yelling about his ex-wife or crying over his last girlfriend,try to find someone else to take you to the movies.
  ● He’s married.
  ● Don’t be that girl.
  ● You are not easily forgotten.Let him find you when he’s ready.
  Our Super-Good Really Helpful Workbook
  List all the things you want or have ever wanted in a man. We’ll give you five lines. We’ll wait….   1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   Now look at your list. Did “married” or “emotionally unavailable” make that list?   Yeah, we didn’t think so. You’re far too classy and smart for that. —— He's just not that into you

